Summer time motorcycle ride. Payton fell asleep on the ride home.
Newest member of the family, came from Riverton UT.
Our Summer Snap-On trip to Orlando FL. It rained everyday we were there. This is where we spent most of our time. (Boring conference center)
Last evening in FL we went to Universal Studios. It was a blast, Snap-On bought a huge section of the Park just for Snappy people, no waiting in line for awesome rides! Amusement parks will never be the same now.
While leaving the park we were greeted by a bunch of Characters, these are a few.
I grew this from seed, it took for ever to bloom. Quite a beauty. I'm lame.
Boys first day of School. (Payton - Kindergarten)
Parker - Pre-School
Birthday Flowers
This is the extent of dress up. (unless it's Halloween)
Nick stealing the kids Halloween Thunder.
Cute Little girl we invited to come to church, when she came I gave her a Book of Mormon, apparently it was a good read. :)
Halloween 2014
Minion & Bumblebee
Goofy Brother in law, can you see the relation? Note pic of Nick above.
Parker's 4th Birthday!
Christmas and two Santa's
Decorating the Tree
I was a little upset when I seen that Payton drew on the fireplace, then he explained that he was drawing the baby Jesus. Who can be mad at that?
Christmas Morning
Christmas Family Photo, yes I know horrible light. (New tradition to take one ever year.)
Wrong order, but this was Thanksgiving down in St. George while out skeet shooting. Crazy Hooligans.
Snap-On Kick off 2015