
Monday, March 14, 2011

Potty Training

We are starting potty training tomorrow. I will be trying the 3 day method. Oh joy! I've got plenty of juices and snacks, plenty of underwear, and hopefully enough will power to keep going. Luckily Parker is a good baby so I can try to do this at all. I tried to start last Thursday but by the end of the day I realized I had way to busy of a weekend ahead of me to even try to start the process. He did pretty well but we had to take a break. Then tonight he went #1 and #2 in the potty, but then had another accident after that. We put him in a diaper for the night. We will hit it hard in the morning. Wish me luck. I will keep you posted if I have the time, if not I will let you know the end result. :) Hopefully he'll be potty trained by Friday.

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